Stuffed Squid with Rice and Tomato
For 2
If you are feeling particularly adventurous then this recipe is for you! Stuffed squid is not for everyone but if you are a fan of Calamari this is a definite must try!
*disclaimer- squid are not the most sustainable fish, therefore, they should not be eaten often, only on a special occasion.
Stuffed Squid are a delicacy across most of Europe but with the exceptional seafood in Montenegro you will find squid on the menu at many restaurants. This tomato rich, rice stuffed squid is a one pot wonder and is defiantly a celebration dish! Serve it along side a green salad and crusty fresh bread to mop up any left over sauce…
1x 400g pack of frozen squid
1 cup of basmati rice
100ml of white wine
1 jar of tomato passata
1 red chilli
1 handful of brined capers
4 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes
1 white onion
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 a lemon
ground black pepper
olive oil
Step 1: Defrost squid
Defrost your squid by leaving it in the sink for 8 hours or overnight. You should buy most squid and octopus frozen as the process of freezing the fish tenderises it. As the squid freezes the water molecules expand and brake, then when defrosted and cooked they are tender and soft.
Step 2: Make rice stuffing
Chop 1 white onion into a small dice then add to a medium pan with 1 whole chilli, along with a splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt, sweat on a medium/low heat until soft. Chop 4 cloves of garlic and 4 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes to a fine dice and add to the onion and chilli, fry for a few more minutes. Next add 1 cup of rice along with 100ml of white wine and a small piece of peel from the lemon. Once the wine is absorbed add 1/2 a jar of tomato passata and continue to cook, stir often so the rice doesn’t catch. When the rice is al dente turn off the heat, remove the chilli and add 1 handful of roughly chopped capers. Season to taste.
Step 3: Stuff squid
Wash the defrosted squid bodies and tentacles with cold water and pat dry. Spoon in the rice mixture pushing all the way to the pointed end of the squid’s body (make sure they are as stuffed as you can get them!). Once all the bodies are stuffed, place to one side.
Step 4: Cook squid
Give the same medium saucepan a quick rinse and place on a high heat, then add a splash of olive oil. Once the oil is almost smoking add the tentacles and char for a few seconds then turn off the heat. Arrange the stuffed squid bodies with the tentacles in the saucepan so they are tightly packed (if there is too much room in the pan use a smaller one). Add 1 cup of water and the other 1/2 a jar of tomato passata and braise (with a lid on) on a low heat for about 30-40 minutes (if all the water is absorbed add a few tbsp at a time) or until the squid is tender and the rice is cooked through.
Step 5: Plate up!
Generously squeeze half a lemon over the squid and carefully remove a few bodies and tentacles from the pan, along with a couple of spoonfuls of the tomato sauce from the bottom of the pan. Enjoy with a fresh green salad and mop up the juices with the crust of some fresh bread!