Our stay at Villa Inglese


If you are planning a trip to Italy and not sure where to stay, look no further! Situated in the rolling mountains of central Italy you will find Villa Inglese that is only 2 hours from Rome. Escape the busyness of the city and gaze upon the sun as it dips over the mountain range whilst a gentle breeze glides against the back of your neck. With nothing but the sound of birds chirping and quiet jazz that plays from dining room, let yourself feel at home at Villa Inglese, you won’t want to leave!

On a hot Saturday afternoon, we left the bustling streets of Naples and drove to Picinisco. The drive there was beautiful, long quiet roads with the gorgeous views for miles around. As we reached the town of Picinisco we were greeted by vineyards and sleepy old buildings. When we got to Villa Inglese it was a breath of fresh air into the town, the peach coloured walls and the smell of lavender was so charming!

THe rooms

Walk up the grand oak staircase into your room that is so tastefully decorated and perfectly renovated, fitted with a stylish yet elegant ensuite bathroom.

You will find yourself mesmerised by the most incredible view, nothing but the lush curves of the mountains for miles. The sun kissing the soft white walls and dancing across the original mosaic floorings you will be instantly at peace.

the food

Not only is Villa Inglese the most tranquil B&B but it also offers the most exquisitely delicious restaurant.

Sit on the sun soaked terrace, aperitif in hand and gaze at the mountains during that beautiful golden hour. As Chef Ben Hirst prepares a gorgeous, intimate dining experience, with tastes of Italy. Using only the finest, seasonal produce Ben creates elegant, old school dishes with a contemporary twist.

From moreish amuse-bouches to luxurious pastas, let Chef Ben indulge you for the evening. Bringing plates of food to your table and perfectly paring your food with regional wines he will make you feel at home!

meet Ben and Gaynor

Two years ago, after leaving the ever growing city of Rome, Ben and Gaynor decided to move to Picinisco. They had been visiting the small sleepy town for years and once they set their eyes on the charming old Villa they packed up their lives in Rome and heading to the mountains.


Gaynor Moynihan is the front of house operation and is definitely the lady of the house. She will often be tending to the garden or looking after the cats and dog. Her attention to detail and her evergreen hospitality will make you feel at ease and her cocktails are delicious! And far too drinkable.

Ben Hirst is the creator and chef at Villa Inglese. His classical knowledge of cooking shines through his dishes as he brings a level of freshness to his food. Being incredibly passionate about local and seasonal produce, most of the ingredients will not have come far to get to the table. If Ben ins’t in the kitchen you could find him foraging for mushrooms or visiting local farmers to bring only the freshest and best ingredients to his restaurant.

Together Ben and Gaynor run the most perfect get away retreat, and complement each other so well. Leaving Villa Inglese it is a bittersweet moment, as they have truly made me feel at home but I can safely say I will definitely be back!

Click to book your Stay at Villa Inglese




Pomegranate and Campari Granita